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We're here to help
Nutrition & Allergens
How do I find information about food allergens?
Does Chick-fil-A have any menu items that meet Halal standards?
Do the calories displayed for each menu item include toppings or the dressing that goes with it?
Do you have MSG in your food?
How much caffeine does the coffee from Chick-fil-A have?
Where can I find the nutrition and ingredient information for Chick-fil-A menu items?
Does Chick-fil-A use peanut oil?
Is dairy still included as one of the allergens for Grilled Filets and Grilled Nuggets?
Which Chick-fil-A menu items contain sesame?
Does Chick-fil-A's menu have healthy food options?
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Monday – Saturday
9:00 AM – 10:00 PM ET